Betsy and the Bean

Betsy and the Bean
Love torture

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Staycationing in lovely SE Portland!

Yesterday I felt a little down seeing all the facebook updates for people with fabulous memorial day weekend plans.  To me, the effort of figuring it all out, the stress of doing it and then coming home to a million things that didn't get done because we weren't here to do them is daunting.  I usually prefer to stay home and just hang with my kids on the weekends.  Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't plan more outings, trips and playdates, as well as "find a new daddy" (ha ha ha) dates for me.  I'm not sure why I feel guilty except that in our go, go, go world everyone else is doing something.  And I really love to get out and do stuff, but not at the sacrifice of my ONLY downtime in a week.  In fact, my best weekend is one day where the kids and I do NOTHING and then the next day we do chores, maybe go to the store, play outside and that's it.   

Getting to the point, I impulsively picked up a copy of Real Simple magazine while buying frozen pizza for Friday night dinner because it promised to help me organize EVERYTHING.  I was disappointed that just reading the article didn't work.  I went upstairs and the contents of my closet were still on my bed, the chair and the ironing board along with a bag full of 2 weeks worth of mail along with another bag full of all the stuff I hauled up there when people came over last week and I needed the downstairs to look like how normal people live.  It also didn't contain any pictures!  What???  You want me to read your %^&*) text?  Just show me a picture so I can improvise.  I don't want to read it!  The article itself was a bust, but, there was a small blurb in the middle of the magazine somewhere about Staycations.  You're supposed to say "Non Voyage".  That was really all the magazine had to say about it, but it was enough.   I decided to roll with it and now instead of the lame-o, boring mom who never plans fun stuff, I am the hip, environmentally aware, recession-era mom who plans "Staycations"!  

The first rule of staycation:  Stay up as late as you want.  (Translation: I was so into my projects tonight that I let the kids fall asleep on the couch.  You decide, bad momma or really cool staycation momma?)

We haven't come up with anymore staycation rules, but we'll keep you posted.

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